Over 300kVA online application

Application for single connection over 300kVA

Need support with your application?
You can call the PACE team on 0800 988 1730 (8 am - 5 pm) Monday to Friday) or email PACE@enwl.co.uk to help you with your application.  Please complete the form, following the below steps, which should take about 20 minutes to complete.  Please ensure that you have all of below details available before starting the application.


If you have any feedback, please click on the green 'Feedback' tab on the middle-left of your screen and provide us with any feedback about your experience.  This will enable us to continue improving the application process. 


The data you provide will not be shared for sales or marketing purposes. Information you share with us will only be used by Electricity North West. We will contact you during emergency situations, such as a power cut or to inform you about planned works that may affect your supply. To continue improving the service we provide to our customers, from time to time we carry out customer surveys and you may be contacted to take part.

Privacy policy:  We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

Application for single connection over 300kVA process.jpg

Step 1:  Quotation options

Please select your preferred method of communication
  • A Firm/Connection Offer is where we carry out a full network study and provide you with a firm quote that you can accept.
  • A Budget Estimate is where we provide you with a quick indicative price. With the option you will get a faster response compared to a firm quote, however we do not carry out a full and detailed network study and our budget quotes cannot be accepted as they are not firm offers.
  • A Feasibility Study is a bespoke study tailored to your specific needs. We will work with you to provide you with the information you need, however this is not a firm quotation. There will be a upfront charge for this option. The costs will be advised upon your application.
  • Quotes for 1MVA or greater are subject to upfront quote costs (Connection Offer Expenses).  For more information click here.


We publish all of our timescales, including our Guaranteed Standards of Performance, however we always work to exceed these timescales.

Step 2: Applicant and site details

Do you have a site manager/representative or builder to manage your on-site activities?
Site address same as applicants?

Step 2: Site information

Step 3: Load details

What are of your connections for?

Please note that if the file uploaded is in an unsuitable format, then an 'Error:500' message will appear and the application will need to be reset and restarted.  An unsuitable format is a file that is more than 100 megabytes or in another format that's not one of the following: jpeg, png, gif, tif, tiff, raw, bmp, ppm, pgm, pbm, pnm, psd, pdf, eps, ai, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb ppt, pptx, docm, dotx, dotm, docb, txt, rtf, odt, dxf, dwg.  If you're unable to upload the relevant documents, please email them to connectionapplications@enwl.co.uk with your contact details once you've completed the application form. 


Please provide a site location plan (typically a scale of not less than 1:500), including the following: 

  • Identification of the properties requiring a connection
  • Preferred point for the cable to enter the property (if appropriate)
  • Preferred Point of Connection
  • The existing/proposed meter point location marked with an X
  • Total load details, including load breakdown if required
  • X &Y co-ordinates
  • Site boundaries with reference to adjacent footpaths and highways
  • Proposed meter and substation

Domestic connections

Commercial load details 

Domestic load details

Total load details

Step 4: Heating details

Do you plan to install Electric Panel heaters?
Do you plan to install Off peak storage heaters
If yes, please provide details:

Step 5: Installation information

Do you wish to install any of the following?
Are they single/three phase?

Step 5 continued: Heat pumps

What type of heat pumps are you planning to install?

If yes, please provide details:

If you are installing Heat Pumps you will also need to complete the relevant forms that can be found on ENA's website.

There are three related forms, but you will only need to complete one depending on the equipment you are installing www.energynetworks.org/electricity/futures/heat-pumps.html

If you don’t know the full details, tell us what you know in the comments section and an engineer can discuss this with you when compelting the network study.

Step 5 continued: Generation

Will you be generating electricity back into the network?

If you ticked YES you will need to complete the relevant form depending on the size of generation you are planning to connect. 

If you are installing Generation, please visit our generation pages to find the right form for you.

Does your site have an existing supply?

Step 5 continued: Existing supplies

Please provide the MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number) for each of your existing supplies. 

PLEASE NOTE: Your MPAN is a unique 13 digit number and can be found on your electricity supply bill. Your MPAN should begin with the number 16 if you are within our network area. If your MPAN does not begin with 16 then please contact your electricity supplier to confirm who your network operator is.

Would you like any of these supplies to be disconnected as part of the works?
Do you want this supply to be disconnected as part of the work?

Step 6: Declaration

Please check to confirm that the information you have provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge

Privacy policy

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.