ENWL023 - Intelligent Network Meshing Switch

ENWL023 - Intelligent Network Meshing Switch

Existing distribution networks are not designed to cope with the highly variable power flows that will be caused by the introduction of low carbon technologies (LCT) such as vehicle charging and generation. One way to significantly reduce the voltage, thermal and harmonic problems created by LCT loads and generation is to interconnect our low voltage networks.  
Our Smart Street project and UKPN's Flexible Urban Networks-Low Voltage project proved that dynamic meshing helps manage these power flows and successfully trialled retro-fit devices installed in link boxes to remotely mesh the network when required. The projects trialled proven technologies which are suitable to be deployed on 80% of the GB low voltage network.
This project will develop an alternative device which will overcome the technical issues identified in previous projects, and which can be applied to the entire network. 
Timescales: April 2019 - April 2021.

Project documents