Quotation options

Quotation options

Do you want an indicative, no obligation quote? We offer a budget estimate, feasibility study or Gen+ (for >1MW only) quotations. Alternatively, if you you are looking for a firm, fixed quote that you can accept and progress with, we can give you a connection offer or Point of Connection (PoC) offer. These options require more detailed network studies and therefore there will be a cost associated with them.

Check what you will need before you apply: 

Budget estimate:

This is a simple desktop study providing an indication of the charge as a budget estimate. This is not a formal connection offer and you will not be able to accept this as an official quotation from us. Please note – the estimated costs may vary considerably from a formal offer.

  • Required Maximum Import Capacity (MIC)
  • Required Maximum Export Capacity (MEC)
  • Site plan
  • Size and type of technology
  • Existing Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPAN), preferable but not mandatory.

Feasibility study:

A feasibility study involves a more detailed assessment to consider a number of options for connection and provide estimated costs for each option. This is not a connection offer and you will not be able to accept this quotation. There is a charge associated for this therefore we recommend you contact us first to find out more.

  • Site plan
  • Size and type of technology
  • Existing Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPAN), preferable but not mandatory.


Gen+ will give you an indication of the installation cost and the point of connection within 20 working days. If you decide the project is commercially viable you will have an opportunity to proceed to a formal connection offer.  If you confirm within seven working days, we will honour your original application received date for time to quote and to determine your place in the interactivity queue (if appropriate). Quote costs (Connection Offer Expenses) apply.

  • Site plan
  • Existing Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPAN) preferable but not mandatory
  • Technical specification of new and existing generation
  • Preferred date for connection
  • Letter of authority

Point of Connection (PoC):

A Point Of Connection (PoC) offer provides a detailed assessment of the network, point of connection and a formal offer for the non-contestable work only should you propose for an Independent Connection Provider (ICP) to carry out the contestable work on your behalf, an ICP may in fact make this application on your behalf. This is open to acceptance for 180 days, subject to terms and conditions. For some Point of Connection offers you will be charged whether or not you accept the offer.

  • Site plan
  • Existing Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPAN) preferable, but not mandatory
  • Technical specification of new and existing generation
  • A G99 application form if applying for Generation or an Electricity North West application form if applying for Demand
  • Preferred date for connection
  • Letter of authority

Connection Offer:

A connection offer provides a detailed assessment of the network, point of connection and a formal offer for all work required to provide your connection which is open to acceptance for 180 days, subject to terms and conditions. For some connection offers you will be charged whether or not you accept the offer.

  • Site plan
  • Existing Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPAN) preferable but not mandatory
  • Technical specification of new and existing generation
  • A G99 application form if applying for Generation or an Electricity North West application form if applying for Demand
  • Preferred date for connection
  • Letter of authority

Quote costs (Connection Offer Expenses)

Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) are legally obliged to provide customers with an offer to connect to the electricity distribution network. From 6th April 2018, The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) introduced new regulations that allows DNOs to charge customers for their connection offer whether it is accepted or not.

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